miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013



  • Un litro (1) de crema de leche
  • 200gr de Tocineta
  • 200gr de Champinones
  • 30gr de Perejil
  • Una taza y media (1 1/2) de Consome de Pollo
  • Media taza (1/2) de Vino Blanco
  • 30gr de Cebolla
  • Tres (3) dientes de Ajo
  • 30gr de Celery (apio españa)
  • Un Kilo de Pasta (Receta para 6 personas)


  • El ajo, la cebolla, el celery y el perejil deben estar picados muy pequeños  la tocineta la pueden picar a su gusto, grande, pequeña o en tiritas, los champinones dependiendo su tamaño, pero siempre fileteados.

(NOTA: cuando quieran hacer una salsa con Crema de Leche, recuerden utilizar para sofreír solo Mantequilla, ya que el aceite corta la crema y nunca lograran la textura deseada, en cambio la mantequilla se fusiona con la crema de leche)
  • Poner a sofreír con mantequilla la cebolla, el ajo y el celery, dejarlo por 5 minutos a fuego medio, ya que la mantequilla se seca mas rápido que el aceite.
  • Ahora colocar los champinones y la tocineta, cuando la tocineta suelte su grasa natural, subir la temperatura (fuego alto) por 5 minutos.
  • Luego colocar el vino blanco, cuando este hirviendo por completo, colocar el consome de pollo y dejar hasta que espese y mezcle con todos los ingredientes.
  • En este punto ya podemos poner la pasta a hervir la pasta.

(NOTA: aqui les voy a dar un #daniTIPS hay algo que aprendí en un restaurante en Siena-Italia con el Chef Sergio, y es que dependiendo el tipo de salsa, las pasta también se pone a hervir con el consome de acuerdo a la salsa, en este caso se coloca agua obviamente, pero también un poco de consome de pollo y unas hojitas de perejil, lo que le da un toque único a la hora de servir)
  • Luego colocar la crema de leche y bajar la temperatura (fuego bajo).
  • Cuando la crema empiece a burbujear, quiere decir que ya esta lista, se apaga el fuego y se le coloca el perejil picado, mezclar y dejar reposar sobre la hornilla con el fuego apagado.
  • Ya estamos listos y es hora de servir, espero disfruten esta salsa.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

PERICO Estilo Dani's Gourmet

Ingredientes (2 personas):

  • 5 huevos (la mediada son 2 huevos por persona, pero siempre se agrega uno mas, porque se reduce después de la cocción)

  • 2 Ají dulce rojo finamente picado
  • 1 Ají dulce verde finamente picado

  • 1/2 cebolla blanca grande picada en cuadros
  • 2 tomates picados en cuadros
  • Sal, Pimienta, Semillas de Coriander (semillas de cilantro), Mantequilla y Aceite


  • Se baten los 5 huevos con sal y pimienta al gusto, y un poco de las semillas de Coriander y se deja reposar para cuando los alinos estén listos.

  • Se ponen a sofreír todos los vegetales sin el tomate (ají dulces y la cebolla).

  • Luego de que todos están listos, se hace un espacio en el centro y se coloca el tomate, cuando bote toda el agua se mezcla todo junto.

  • Luego se agregan los huevos previamente batidos y sazonados y se mezcla todo.
  • Cuando ya este todo mezclado y casi a punto de secarse se le agrega una cucharada de mantequilla para que le de un poco de textura y suavidad.

  • Luego se prueba para chequear si le falta un poco de sal y listo, solo se sirve con una buena arepa frita o asada, y plátanos fritos como se muestra en la foto arriba, espero lo disfruten.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Love & Food (English Version)

       _I would like to begin this article with this phrase ..... "There is no love more sincere than the love for food" this sentence is from the mythical Irish writer George Bernard Shaw summed up in a pretty good writer's feelings regarding this gastronomy. But do not think that this sort of rapture came over me in my maturity, wish it was that easy, unfortunately or fortunately for my parents from an early age I became interested in what they eat, as well as for cooking and eating, making it clear that flavors preferred and which are not. In childhood and adolescence the issue definitely came out of control (but in a good way) and was always looking for new restaurants to try out for the family, still my favorite moment was when reading the menu, which I did with a mixture of awe and impatience, imagining I expected delight, passion for food that was not very well suited to the city where I lived, and then the choice of restaurants was not very big, so that passion developed in to taste every restaurant in my city and neighboring towns, but all that changed when traveling out of home town and my country, but it is worth saying that these are two very different things cooking and eating,  well, in my opinion the passion for good food comes first than the passion for cooking, at least it happened to me, by my father I have Italian blood so I think that helped a bit in all of this, I always lean professionally for engineering and computer science but my passion was cooking (also martial arts, soccer, baseball, tennis and racing, but that’s something else), I graduated as an engineer and work since young in everything about it, but after graduating as engineer I left Puerto Ordaz, my home town from Venezuela to Europe (from 2002 to 2007, living between Italy and England), was then further increase the passion for food, but there was a change and passion of cooking overshoot passion for good food, but are linked to each other, and so reached maturity and with it the experience of wine and the world of possibilities to further enhance the experience of good food, at least in my case when I cook I like to know in advance what kind of wine came to be on the table when the food is ready, but only to offer to my guests because I only drink wine when I'm cooking, when I'm eating I do not like this much unless I’m in the company of a beautiful woman making the perfect combination, good food, good wine and a beautiful woman, a combination that can match anything.

_In This sense I can say that love and food go hand in hand, not in vain eating is one of the pleasures of life, but let me ask you something, why love and food go hand in hand? Why? Well let me answer that for you, that’s because when you cook for yourself, for friends, for family, for someone you love or are in love or for your couple, always going to put heart into what you're cooking, at least in my case, but all that I just mentioned have their differences, for example when you cook for yourself you tend to experiment with new flavors and colors, so you know if what you're innovating has or not the potential to be a good plate, when you’re cooking for the family is a feast, because you’re trying to please the palate of all but  with your own taste, so the question after the first bite always will be .... is it good? Or did you like it? If no one answers at the very first time that means that the plate that you prepare for them is good, when you cook for your friends is nice, because you never know for sure what are you going to cook, usually is a last minute decision and ingredients are never complete, which to the lack of some ingredients others are added to replace the missing ones and this gives a special touch, when you cook for someone you love or are in love but still not a couple is difficult, because you try to impress that person and generally whenever something goes wrong, there are some details missing or surplus, but it gives a dinner or lunch that special touch of natural nervousness because you’re trying to show off or imporess  a littel bit and you want everything to go well, let me give you a little advice, if there is some confidence with that person, it is very nice if she helps you to cook, this gives it a more intimate and is helpful with the situation, while you are cooking talk, laugh, interact and make eye contact with her, because if anything goes wrong both laugh and break the ice and nervousness of the evening itself,  and finally when you cook your girl, for your woman is something unique and special, because you know what she likes and what not, and know what’s her favorite food, then it is always a chance to innovate a bit, to give a twist to every meal, so do not permit the repetitive and routine came to your life, a recommendation from me is that when you cook for your couple always try to combine flavors, sweet with salty, meat with fruit, spicy with sweet, sweet and sour, something different which exalt the palate, of course you can never miss a good wine to help the combination of flavors, a neutral wine while cooking and other exquisite for lunchtime or dinner time, and of course a good background music ...................... With all this, I hope you liked my first column, I'm not a writer or anything like that but I like to write, it's the first time I do it this way, greetings and until the next opportunity.

NOTE: Hey, if you do not know George Bernard Shaw here's his photo ....

NOTE: He was the creator of the legendary phrase that you can see in the picture .....